Tuesday, 14 February 2012

resource gardianship on the weekend

rg on the weekend

the weekend that has past we were put into different departments were we had to work and learn the end and out of these departments ,i was put into rg (resource guardianship with some second year students were had to cut down trees using only an axe and panga these tress were then used to pack a boma around a waterhole in the middle of this waterhole there is a pressure plate with amipore if a animal steps in it it sprays on then and controlling tics etc the branches from these tree ensure that animals will only walk one path and on the pressure plate. we were also shown that how to cut down a tree or bush in the right manner. i did this for two days but on Sunday i had to welcoming we had to serve the guests with some juice and pancakes and tell them about sondela this was a fun weekend and hard work but the experience we have gained is a big plus bonus for the future .

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

this a typical veld fire we were told that the training we got will help us to prepare for a veld fire such as this above.

we started on Sondela as little 1 graders with no idea as to what  is going on we started off by doing fire fight ing ,and first aid .we had a class on fire fighting and covered many things such as fuels ,the combustion triangle ,the methods that can be used to stop a fire etc. we also had a practical we had to put out a fire with a DCP ( dry chemical powder ) extinguishers . we also had a fire drill on the same day with Cristine pienaar and Sieg it was so much fun but hard work .we had to run with full gear and we were also showed how to work with fire flaps and the generator that pumps water. the next we did was first aid we also had to write a test on the things we learnt such as bleeding ,broken bones etc we also had to do a practical were we performed cpr (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) we had to do it as we were dealing with a real person !!. this has help us in many ways we can now help a person in need and put out fires when needed .